Saturday, February 20, 2010

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New Hospital

There are constants which arise in each mission, because they are part of the spirit of my NGO. Among these there is always the background, the presence of a new hospital.
Yesterday I was in the yard where the Swedish architect is conducting a fast-paced restructuring of a building to convert it to the hospital and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the work (hospital, of course, not in Swedish). Without a doubt better than the current structure.
It's like a gift of a few hundred thousand dollars that we do at the Liberian Ministry of Health before leaving the country permanently in June. If it can serve as a reference, the President, in an interview with the NYT said to earn $ 7,000 per month.
The plan provides for the transfer of assets in the second half of March and the ' official opening of the new JN Jr Davies Hospital on April 2.
The health workers will change the contract, to pass under the central government, with a salary that will be a third of what they earn now.
Someone will be out of work, as one of the drivers who join us daily in the hospital, with whom I chatted a bit 'last night. He said, however, happy because in recent years has managed to buy a home and have worked for us should be enough to a new location easily. A little more satisfaction.
The old hospital will be returned to its rightful owner, a doctor of Liberia. Thanks to the money that we have paid in recent years to the rent, we will open a private clinic, in company with his wife who does the work of the World Health Organization official to support the introduction of free care in a small southern African country.
the "Medical Board" they forgot about me and now I will not do some more investigation. Not that he cared particularly. I'm preparing some lessons for the "Physician Assistants" of Pediatrics, a professional figure halfway between the nurse and the doctor, who will be the cornerstones of clinical activity in the new hospital, as in many other countries South. Pending that, in a bit 'of years, including the Liberia will be able to churn out his "doctors".
Meanwhile I am going to start my last week. I seem to have just arrived, but maybe it is. Good Sunday!


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