Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Denise Milani Flower Shop


I wanted to write a scholarly dissertation on racism, beginning of "Bloody Oranges" that the dossier "DaSud" non-profit organization has recently published report on the condition of slavery laborers immigrants in Italy (Rosarno, just to understand). But I do not have the strength. The day was long and time is getting late. But I'm happy.
Some time ago they committed a theft within the hospital, depriving my fellow gynecologists ultrasound.
Surveys showed that some of the guards were involved, people who normally are part of the staff of my local NGOs. So it was decided to outsource security to an outside company.
The first morning I arrived in hospital, a guard stopped me and asked me to inspect my backpack. I looked stunned, not understanding how my complexion and my shirt could not be considered enough of a pass and, of course, I pulled straight. Now we have become friends now, and every morning and every evening after having shaken hands with African way, with snapping fingers, I check my backpack with books and computers.
I had the same reaction when they told me I had to take an exam to get permission to work, "So, I am a European doctor, white, come here to give you a hand and you also have to create me of difficulties? ".
Then I tried to put myself in their shoes: If a foreign doctor wants to practice in Italy, they shall be order and not part of the EU where the best of the exam was in the worst repeat the degree course.
There's nothing to do. Racism is within us, we have it in the genes a bit 'all. Sometimes it is manifest and said, sometimes take subtle forms, temptresses.
also want to bypass the rules because it feels better and therefore not justiciable. Perhaps the best way to control it is to be aware, without denying
other considerations. I think that there has been a civil war here, the cruelty were COMESSA, child soldiers, the rapes, with 300,000 deaths. Then I look and I see people introno always kind, caring, friendly, affectionate, sincere. And I wonder how it is possible that in certain contexts, the man becomes a beast.
Then I think of our Italian history of the last hundred years, the concentration camp of Bolzano and Trieste, the civil war broke out after the Second World War, years of lead, the massacres of those terrorist mafia , slavery Rosarno style, just to name a few. And here you understand where I going with this.
Ah, a couple of days ago was the anniversary of Hans and Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst, three of the founders of the White Rose. So I close the circle!


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