All persons who have personally seen my creations I have always said that the only picture of the item did not make and that I should take pictures with accessories worn ...
Et voila!
A couple of years after numerous delays (P, acts of God, commitments, employment, etc.) my friends and I were able to coordinate to achieve this shooting!
is only the first foto, le prossime arriveranno, spero, entro breve!
Spero che vi piacciano! ^^
Un grazie di cuore a Pingu&Gabry!
(ma ci sarĂ il prossimo round! Sicuuuuuuuro! ;D )
All people who've seen my jewelry in real has always told me that I should have taken some pics ON people, because they say that pictures of the object only don't look too good... I guess it's a matter of sizes etc..
Anyway, FINALLY!
After a couple of years of numbers of delays, everybody is busy, for work and other issues, my friends and I have been able to manage one day of shooting!
These are the first pics only, other are out to come! Hope soon!
Hope You like them! A Heartful
THANK YOU to Pingu & Gabry!
(Though. ... There Will Be Another Round! For sure!; D)
Photographer: Francesco Biondi
Jewelry by RedFenyx
Models: a couple of friends :-)
Et voila!
A couple of years after numerous delays (P, acts of God, commitments, employment, etc.) my friends and I were able to coordinate to achieve this shooting!
is only the first foto, le prossime arriveranno, spero, entro breve!
Spero che vi piacciano! ^^
Un grazie di cuore a Pingu&Gabry!
(ma ci sarĂ il prossimo round! Sicuuuuuuuro! ;D )
All people who've seen my jewelry in real has always told me that I should have taken some pics ON people, because they say that pictures of the object only don't look too good... I guess it's a matter of sizes etc..
Anyway, FINALLY!
After a couple of years of numbers of delays, everybody is busy, for work and other issues, my friends and I have been able to manage one day of shooting!
These are the first pics only, other are out to come! Hope soon!
Hope You like them! A Heartful
THANK YOU to Pingu & Gabry!
(Though. ... There Will Be Another Round! For sure!; D)

Photographer: Francesco Biondi
Jewelry by RedFenyx
Models: a couple of friends :-)
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