Pass ...
Some time ago I wrote that Italy was not a country for me, listing a number of reasons and issues that made me seriously angry. The friend said Webster wrote that he would never make it there to leave so pissed.
Well I begin to feel that my feeling, just when the need for change air is getting stronger.
Not that I'm no longer angry about the mentality that exists on the Italian soil or that do not touch me some more questions. But these are not the main reasons for my departure.
There are days that are becoming more frequent, in which I do not think I'm wrong here, I could not be happy or things like that. I just think I want to see more than .
I just think that I can not imagine that he never tried the experience of living outside of Brescia, outside of Italy. I feel my soul, my body, my brain need to deal with something bigger, to get out of a provincial town where, I repeat, I do not think it is impossible to feel good, but depends on the needs of the periods.
'm pretty atrophied from the same places, by the same people (friends excluded of course), I want to go out and be able to hear lifeblood, sniff new smells, receive input: too often I find myself to give input and not receive anything back.
I want to leave home and be in a new place, having to struggle to learn a new language, find a job part-time in a place where Cock do not know anyone, feel like a foreigner in a foreign land. I need to feel these feelings, to make of experiences, both positive and negative. Basically a lot of the work would go with me to work from home from Brescia or anywhere else in the world is about the same thanks to the Internet.
I believe that within a year and a half (this should be the time to finish some projects that deserve to be concluded in the best way) would be nice to put everything in place. Where? I do not know yet. There are many options that I turn and head in many places I want to see in this time also to try to figure out where I'd go. In my dreamy ideas I'd like to go a year in an Anglophone country, learn the language better and then maybe move to Berlin, you dive in and learn German. And then after a while 'in a warmer place. Hypothesis. Dreams.
In the meantime I will give my maximum in my life here now . Why, dreaming is a wonderful thing, as well as making plans, but you live in the present: not in the past, not in the future. One step at a time.
feet on the ground and head in the air ... rooted in these things, but dreamers.
Song of the day: "Mild" - Marlene Kuntz. Pending the concert Friday at Milk Plus, here's a live version of one of the songs most intense band of Christian Godano, composed in 1994 and included the debut album "cathartic".
"Maybe, really, we love you we love
pass in flight, flying farther"
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