Italianiiiiii ...
The Italians do not think its ourselves comfortable. The Italians have a great sense of civic duty and they know what consequences their actions can have a negative or positive in society. Italians pay punctually all taxes because they know that tax evasion would damage public services that they receive. Italians do not know they have a political class ravaged by corruption and favoritism. The Italians know how important it is to invest in research and training to build a future. Italians do not emigrate abroad educated and prepared to exploit them, as in their great country has everything it needs, means and tools and an adequate salary nabobs. The Italians never cut funds to the culture. The Italians know that flexible and precarious employment are not the same thing. Italians do not think that Berlusconi is a man who has honestly happened and I am very meticulous, almost intransigent, honesty and transparency of its rulers. Italians love their land and would not allow for anything in the world that this would be exploited or polluted. The Italians, or at least almost all of them, are fighting not to return to nuclear energy and focus on renewable energy. The Italians have always eyes open about what is going around and would not allow anyone to mock them. The Italians have voted for their rulers. Italians would not allow an author who has shed light on the largest criminal organization in their country are forced to live segregated and decides to leave the Bel Paese. Italians would never allow that the Camorra has the upper hand and a Secretary of the Government was condemned for relations with the system remains safe in its place, they are intransigent. The review public of the Italians in recent years has flattened, it has a very strong power, is heard forms of protest to the edge of legality. Italians would never allow that part of their nation is totally in the hands of the crime and that the replacement of the state. Italians do not like the recommendations. Italians would never think that their problems are primarily the fault of immigrants. The Italians want a secular state and keep religion out of public agencies and businesses. Italians do not give too much importance to football. The Italians know to have free media, with journalists not blackmailed and that the news is always transparent. Italians if they could not ignore. Italians do not like to complain.
Italians are good people.
Song of the day: "Dancing Choose" - TV On The Radio. After I fell in love with their second album "Return to Cookie Mountain" in 2006, here I am again struggling with a grandissmo disk. The new work of the multiracial group in Brooklyn called "Dear Science" is treated as less harsh and raw, but incredibly rich in a combination of electronic, post-punk, free jazz, soul and rock voices. This song is perhaps not the best album, but it is representative of their sublime style. A brief on the rece Rockol and in concert (28/11 Warehouses Generali, Milan).
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