I'm really sorry for not being able to update the blog more often, but the time is so short!
I would really be able to do more in a day!
During this time I'm working on new designs for my last Etsy Shop.
I'm focusing on geometric shapes, I like playing with colors and different shapes.
"real" is a very loooong (perhaps too) sharp: There are no grays, only black and white, I prefer to see things with clarity, honesty in life and relationships.
This is my perspective on life in general and I'm trying to translate this way of being in my creations.
is why forms are simple, well defined colors, use only a few colors at a time, because I personally do not like the reasons are complicated and unclear.
Simplicity is the first thing that catches your eye in this line, colors, shapes and surfaces.
The colors you choose are meaningful ways of being, there will be soft colors for those with a gentle personality and romantic tones and stronger for those with a stronger personality.
the line I hope you like it because I have new designs coming soon!
I'm really sorry I'm not updating my blog more often, but time is SO short! I wish I could do more things in one day!
I'm actually working on new designs for my last Etsy Shop.
I'm focussing on geometric figures, playing with colours and shapes.
I am a really drastic person: there are no grey shades in the middle, just black and white, and I like to see things clearly, directness in life and human relatoins.
This is my point of view of life in general and I'm trying to trasfer this way of being into my creations.
That's why shades are simple, colours are well defined and I use just few of them, because I do not like too many colours and little and too detailed motives.
The Simplicity of this new line is the first thing that catches the eye, with its shapes, its colours, its surface. I'm actually working on new designs for my last Etsy Shop.
I'm focussing on geometric figures, playing with colours and shapes.
I am a really drastic person: there are no grey shades in the middle, just black and white, and I like to see things clearly, directness in life and human relatoins.
This is my point of view of life in general and I'm trying to trasfer this way of being into my creations.
That's why shades are simple, colours are well defined and I use just few of them, because I do not like too many colours and little and too detailed motives.
Colours that are chosen mean different way of being, delicate, direct, strong etc.
These are another version of pendants I made previously, but more are on the way to come!
So stay tuned! ;D

Disponibili nel mio Negozietto Etsy o by sending an email to redfenyx.order @ gmail.com
Available in my Etsy Shop or sending an e-mail to redfenyx.order @ gmail.com
Available in my Etsy Shop or sending an e-mail to redfenyx.order @ gmail.com