It 's been a month since last post. So many things have happened, the emotions kick in doors during this period, which until recently did not even know existed.
Yes, because if it does not make sense just to survive, trying to exist. And in some moments of human life means R (exist) . Hold on when the pain breaks through the dam, and invade the soil, plant cover and closes every street. Press hard when anger if it is locked in his box, groped to break open the lock and tear, sink into the face and re-emerge, sweaty, wet.
ask many things, find answers and denials, be proud and insecure. Realizing that they are flawed, but brave. Flawed but brave, I like it. Hitting punch, flip the tables. One thing is certain: it goes on, on their own feet. Next, with your feet full of calluses and rough ... is real, is here. It 's me. The
certainly no shortage of new things during this period. This is followed by swimming, with travel and photography. It 'nice to do a little progress and be able to agree not born learned, see slowly but the small steps forward. It 'nice to understand important concepts, especially in photography, and own them slowly through these trying to get creative, open channels.

One benefit is that Reporters Music, the new draft Rockol for which we will begin to take numerous live concerts and to review them. Bello.Ho began with a concert by A Camp (Nina Persson of the Cardigans group), last Monday at Magnolia in Milan, snapping some photos.
In any case here in the last part you'll see reviews and interviews ...
Even with the press office are going to go with the new project Kaufman ...

And then you start to think 'summer incoming travel. Well 20 to 24 May there is the possibility of a trip to London that day, and then from June 30 to July 5, you go to relax for the week annual Puglia made of water, food, friends and nights in the country based on music, Peroni beer and relax ...
And then there is the intention to visit Berlin in the neo-citizens of the German capital Simone and Mauro (as well as the Simo), but everything is based on vederein decide what to do. There are several options ... the most striking and challenging would be to go find the guys in Australia, but I do not know to what extent practicable. We would have the option Sziget Festival in Budapest trip to Berlin, or even a nice trip to Greece or northern Spain ..- mah ... we'll see ... it's nice to have many ideas and little money ...
I was here to close the operation, but right now I read that August 15th there will be Pearl Jam in concert in Berlin ... fuck! What would be cool?
Song of the day: "No Kind Words" - The Maccabees . A British group, the London / Brighton, discovered very recently, electronic-tinged indie-rock, reminiscent 'Bloc Party and Editors, but not cloning, indeed, very interesting. This passage is taken from the new album coming "Wall of arms" ...