"Maria Cristina di Savoia"
Chapter 2
4 - Organs of the Association are:
a) The National Assembly
b) The National Council
c) The Presidency Council
5 - The National Assembly shall consist of the Presidents of the Conference premises and has the function of:
a) To elect the National Council
b) To decide on amendments to the Statute
c) Approve the social budget
6 - The National Council is composed of:
a) The National President elected by the National Council, with approval of the competent ecclesiastical authority
b) Two Vice-Presidents elected by the National Council
c) The adviser, one for each region, elected by the National Assembly. The Board also assume the position of Regional Delegate
d) The Treasurer, elected by the National Council
e) The Secretary appointed by the National President
The National Council has the following responsibilities under Art.9
Article 7 - The Presidential Council is composed of:
a) The National President
b) Two Vice-Presidents
c) The Treasurer
d) The Secretary
Art.8 - The National President has the signature and legal representation in court and the Association before third parties. She also has the following tasks:
a) chairs meetings of the National Assembly, the National Council, the President's Committee of National Conferences, interregional and regional
b) E 'responsible for the magazine "Review" of the Conference of Culture Maria Cristina of Savoy, of press and publications of the Association by the National Council:
- The Vice Presidents assist the President and, if necessary, replace
- The National Council working together to develop and Conferences and activities in their capacity as Regional Delegate treat the relationships between the various Conferences of the region, ensure that new foundation, representing the Association in the region and cultivate relationships with other associations. For their activities may also benefit from the assistance of a committee whose members are appointed by the Conference of the Region.
- The National Treasurer shall prepare budgets and administers the national fund
- The National Secretary shall keep the minutes of meetings, attend to correspondence of the national presidency, file, archive, and the various activities of the Association.
9 - The Board oversees the National Conference of Culture Maria Cristina di Savoia in Italy:
a) Represents the Association in front of the church and civil authorities and national and international Catholic organizations
b) Prepares the annual program of study and propose to Congress, urging them to do it
c) recognizes based on the new Regional Delegates Conference
d) Promote appropriate initiatives in harmony with the national character and purpose of the Association
) Index National Conferences, interregional and regional
f) arrange for the publications of interest to the Conference
10 - The Presidency Council shall draw up proposals for activities and study to be approved National Council and oversees their implementation.
Chapter 3
diocesan organizations
11 - Individual Meetings arise at the municipal level.
local bodies of the Conference are:
a) The Assembly of members
b) The Council of the Conference
c) The Presidency Council
12 - Participating in the Conference are the ladies who accept the purpose and program of the Conference , participate in initiatives and it is their burden, to the extent that will be established annually by the Council of the Meeting of adhesions
Assembly elects the Council of the Congress.
13 - The Council the meeting is as follows:
a) The President elected by the Council of the Conference
b) Two Vice-Presidents elected by the Council of the Conference
c) The Board, from five to twenty in proportion to the number of members, elected by the Assembly of members
d) The treasurer elected by the Presidential Council
e) An appointed to print from the elected Council of the Conference
f) The Secretary appointed by the President
14 - The Presidency Council shall be composed of:
a) President of the Conference
b) The two Vice-Presidents
c) The treasurer
d) The secretary
15 - The Council of the Conference oversees the national conference:
a) Cure the conduct of the annual program of study offered by the National Council, suitably adapted to specific local needs
b) manage relations with the National Council, with authorities and local associations
c) Accept applications to join the conference
d) issue annually to each member a membership card to the Congress and
) gives life and development of a library for members
f) Encourage initiatives and proposals recommended by the National Council
g) Urges the members to participate actively in the conference and attend the national convention, interregional and regional
h) Promote initiatives for financial purposes for the efficient functioning of the Congress itself
i) represents the Association before the Ecclesiastical Authority and local civil and handles relations with other citizens' associations, both Catholic and secular
16 - The Presidential Council prepare proposals for approval by the Council of the Congress and oversees their implementation.
17 - The President of the Conference has the following tasks:
- by frequent contacts with the National Council;
- participates in the National Assembly, the Inter-Regional and Regional Conferences;
- ensure liaison with the local conference Regional Delegate and supports their activities
- promote appropriate initiatives by local, in harmony with the aims of the Association.
- The Vice-Presidents together with the President and if necessary replace it.
- The Council, in cooperation with the President, participate actively in the development and operation of the Conference
- The Treasurer collects the annual fee for individual members of the social spending of the Congress of Local and National Center and care initiatives financial purposes promoted by the Council of the Congress.
- The appointed to print provides the knowledge and dissemination of press cattolica, favorisce e sollecita il rinnovo degli abbonamenti a
- “Rassegna” ed ha cura della Biblioteca.
- La Segretaria redige i verbali delle riunioni, cura la corrispondenza, lo schedario e l’archivio.
Cap. 4
Art. 18 – L’Assistente Ecclesiastico Nazionale è nominato dalla Conferenza Episcopale Italiana e la sua assistenza si estende a tutti i Convegni e all’organizzazione nazionale.
Il Consiglio Nazionale prenderà tutte le decisioni a carattere nazionale, in materia religiosa, morale e sociale, d’intesa con l’Assistente Ecclesiastico Nazionale.
19 - The Chaplain of the Congress shall be appointed by the Ordinary of the diocese.
The Council of the Conference will take all decisions at local, on religious, moral and social, in agreement with the Chaplain of the Congress itself.
20 - Shareholders' Association is made up of members and by annual contributions from any persons and entities.
21 - The final social accounting and annual budget will be prepared by the National Council and submitted by 1 July each year for approval of the National Assembly.
Cap, 6
22 - The offices shall be five years. The office of National President may be renewed in the same person.
The Presidents of the individual conferences, the National Director and Regional Delegate may be reappointed for a further five years, unless it is authorized by the National President's re-election as an exception.
"Maria Cristina di Savoia"
Chapter 2
4 - Organs of the Association are:
a) The National Assembly
b) The National Council
c) The Presidency Council
5 - The National Assembly shall consist of the Presidents of the Conference premises and has the function of:
a) To elect the National Council
b) To decide on amendments to the Statute
c) Approve the social budget
6 - The National Council is composed of:
a) The National President elected by the National Council, with approval of the competent ecclesiastical authority
b) Two Vice-Presidents elected by the National Council
c) The adviser, one for each region, elected by the National Assembly. The Board also assume the position of Regional Delegate
d) The Treasurer, elected by the National Council
e) The Secretary appointed by the National President
The National Council has the following responsibilities under Art.9
Article 7 - The Presidential Council is composed of:
a) The National President
b) Two Vice-Presidents
c) The Treasurer
d) The Secretary
Art.8 - The National President has the signature and legal representation in court and the Association before third parties. She also has the following tasks:
a) chairs meetings of the National Assembly, the National Council, the President's Committee of National Conferences, interregional and regional
b) E 'responsible for the magazine "Review" of the Conference of Culture Maria Cristina of Savoy, of press and publications of the Association by the National Council:
- The Vice Presidents assist the President and, if necessary, replace
- The National Council working together to develop and Conferences and activities in their capacity as Regional Delegate treat the relationships between the various Conferences of the region, ensure that new foundation, representing the Association in the region and cultivate relationships with other associations. For their activities may also benefit from the assistance of a committee whose members are appointed by the Conference of the Region.
- The National Treasurer shall prepare budgets and administers the national fund
- The National Secretary shall keep the minutes of meetings, attend to correspondence of the national presidency, file, archive, and the various activities of the Association.
9 - The Board oversees the National Conference of Culture Maria Cristina di Savoia in Italy:
a) Represents the Association in front of the church and civil authorities and national and international Catholic organizations
b) Prepares the annual program of study and propose to Congress, urging them to do it
c) recognizes based on the new Regional Delegates Conference
d) Promote appropriate initiatives in harmony with the national character and purpose of the Association
) Index National Conferences, interregional and regional
f) arrange for the publications of interest to the Conference
10 - The Presidency Council shall draw up proposals for activities and study to be approved National Council and oversees their implementation.
Chapter 3
diocesan organizations
11 - Individual Meetings arise at the municipal level.
local bodies of the Conference are:
a) The Assembly of members
b) The Council of the Conference
c) The Presidency Council
12 - Participating in the Conference are the ladies who accept the purpose and program of the Conference , participate in initiatives and it is their burden, to the extent that will be established annually by the Council of the Meeting of adhesions
Assembly elects the Council of the Congress.
13 - The Council the meeting is as follows:
a) The President elected by the Council of the Conference
b) Two Vice-Presidents elected by the Council of the Conference
c) The Board, from five to twenty in proportion to the number of members, elected by the Assembly of members
d) The treasurer elected by the Presidential Council
e) An appointed to print from the elected Council of the Conference
f) The Secretary appointed by the President
14 - The Presidency Council shall be composed of:
a) President of the Conference
b) The two Vice-Presidents
c) The treasurer
d) The secretary
15 - The Council of the Conference oversees the national conference:
a) Cure the conduct of the annual program of study offered by the National Council, suitably adapted to specific local needs
b) manage relations with the National Council, with authorities and local associations
c) Accept applications to join the conference
d) issue annually to each member a membership card to the Congress and
) gives life and development of a library for members
f) Encourage initiatives and proposals recommended by the National Council
g) Urges the members to participate actively in the conference and attend the national convention, interregional and regional
h) Promote initiatives for financial purposes for the efficient functioning of the Congress itself
i) represents the Association before the Ecclesiastical Authority and local civil and handles relations with other citizens' associations, both Catholic and secular
16 - The Presidential Council prepare proposals for approval by the Council of the Congress and oversees their implementation.
17 - The President of the Conference has the following tasks:
- by frequent contacts with the National Council;
- participates in the National Assembly, the Inter-Regional and Regional Conferences;
- ensure liaison with the local conference Regional Delegate and supports their activities
- promote appropriate initiatives by local, in harmony with the aims of the Association.
- The Vice-Presidents together with the President and if necessary replace it.
- The Council, in cooperation with the President, participate actively in the development and operation of the Conference
- The Treasurer collects the annual fee for individual members of the social spending of the Congress of Local and National Center and care initiatives financial purposes promoted by the Council of the Congress.
- The appointed to print provides the knowledge and dissemination of press cattolica, favorisce e sollecita il rinnovo degli abbonamenti a
- “Rassegna” ed ha cura della Biblioteca.
- La Segretaria redige i verbali delle riunioni, cura la corrispondenza, lo schedario e l’archivio.
Cap. 4
Art. 18 – L’Assistente Ecclesiastico Nazionale è nominato dalla Conferenza Episcopale Italiana e la sua assistenza si estende a tutti i Convegni e all’organizzazione nazionale.
Il Consiglio Nazionale prenderà tutte le decisioni a carattere nazionale, in materia religiosa, morale e sociale, d’intesa con l’Assistente Ecclesiastico Nazionale.
19 - The Chaplain of the Congress shall be appointed by the Ordinary of the diocese.
The Council of the Conference will take all decisions at local, on religious, moral and social, in agreement with the Chaplain of the Congress itself.
20 - Shareholders' Association is made up of members and by annual contributions from any persons and entities.
21 - The final social accounting and annual budget will be prepared by the National Council and submitted by 1 July each year for approval of the National Assembly.
Cap, 6
22 - The offices shall be five years. The office of National President may be renewed in the same person.
The Presidents of the individual conferences, the National Director and Regional Delegate may be reappointed for a further five years, unless it is authorized by the National President's re-election as an exception.